Saturday, May 7, 2011

A Different Way

Some people would say new beginning but I say a "Different Way". I haven't written in a long time. Mainly life got in the way, but now I have a little free time so Iwill start this back up again, but in a "Different Way". I will continue to write my long pieces here and there but now I'm going in the direction of some "Dorein" observations. I hope you enjoy and as always feel free to comment. Thanks to my boy Josh @ for the encouragement.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Yes We Can

I can’t believe it my president is a black man. The day after the election a co-worker approached me and said D “I bet you didn’t even vote yesterday”? I was like why would you say that. He said because you don’t talk politics. I was like no matter how much I talk them you wouldn’t understand. He then asked who I voted for. I said Mr.Obama. He asked me why and I said because I can. Yes I can. I’m going to keep it real with you. The main reason I voted for Obama was because he is black. As a black man just knowing for the first time in your life we have an option, a choice to vote for a Blackman. Plus he was the better option. After all politics is about taking the lesser of two evils. He definitely the clear choice and America backed it up. I think most people are tired of the same old bullsh*t we always hear. Plus losing a lot of money helps to. Let’s just hope our man can make the right changes to get this ship called America back on course. He is facing obstacles that no other president has ever faced. From the economy to the war. My man has a lot of work to do. But I feel that he is going to surround himself with the right people to make that happen. For our people it shows that with persistence and hard work we can do anything. To me the playing fields are almost level. We are almost at the point of the best man or woman will come out ahead. Now its time for us to look in the mirror and clean up our act. To be all that we can be. The blueprint is right in front of our faces. This is a true come up for us.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

A Tribute

What’s up everybody I’m back after a little hiatus. As most of you know I’m back in the NYC. I came back to help my family out while my mother was sick. Well my mother moved on and I’m writing this as a tribute to her. First off the anticipation of death is worse e than death itself. I heard this saying a few years back and I laughed at it. Not until your put into the situation of watching someone die will you understand. My mother had pancreatic cancer one if the worse one you can get. From when she was first diagnosed with it she vowed to fight it. She did. And the family came together to fight it with her. During the fight we had a good time as a family. She always wanted us to be close and we got us closer with her sickness. My relationship with my mother was always hot and cold. We were either best friends or worse enemies. We always told it like it was to each other we never backed down and it remained that way until the end. She instilled a lot of good values in us. She held us down while my father was out there working. I’m fortunate to come from a two parent household. And they were old school in the way they raised us. I know that’s what makes me the good guy that I am today. As I look back some of the things that she did or said kind of makes sense now later in life. I want to thank her for those life lessons. Before she left she threw me one curveball. She died right in front of me and my brother. I don’t know why she chose us but she did. Although it was sad it was one of the most beautiful things that I ever saw. The silence and the peace that was in that room. And knowing that she gave it her all in life and in death is something that I can take with me for the rest of my life. For everything that you did for me I want to say thank you MOM. It all makes sense now at least a little bit……………

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Yo Mamma for Obama

I didn’t want to talk politics but I feel compelled to today. Clinton wins Pennsylvania. How is that possible? She was down going into it and all of a sudden she comes out the winner. Crazy. I knew from the last debate that Obama was in trouble. The media really zinged him. Hillary had a bunch of softball questions thrown at her. They were throwing heat at Obama. They put Mariano Rivera on the mound for him. They attacked him for people he knew. Now tell me what public figure doesn’t occasionally meet up with some unsavory people. Since the primary began they attacked his name, his age, his family and his record as a senator. You talk about playing dirty. I think old slick Bill was calling in favors for his wife. You know he wants to get back into the limelight. But through it all Obama stuck thru it and answered all the attacks openly and honestly. It seemed like he got better through the whole thing. I have to hand it to him even if he doesn’t win I have to commend him for the way he handled himself. I compare the primary to a job interview and compared to Hillary I would definitely hire Obama. Another thing I like about him is the way he ran his campaign. There wasn’t much sucker punches or mud slinging. He based his run on facts and how he thinks this country is ready for a change. I think that is true. Most of us are ready for some type of change. The republican war machine ran this country into the ground. Four bucks for gas. Home foreclosures at an all time high. People can’t even afford the basic necessities. The gap between the rich and poor is widening. The middle class is gone. People’s dreams are being destroyed. But yet the republicans are sitting back watching the democrats fight it out with no clear cut winner with only a few months to go. Back to Hillary. Did people forget that old slick Bill was out hoeing around? How can we really trust our country to a woman that can’t even hold her own house together? I think any woman that can run a household can run a country. She couldn’t even do that but people are ready to put her in office. And foreign diplomacy will be shot if she gets in. Men in other countries just don’t respect woman in power. So again in another election the best man will not win. The best of the bunch is Obama. He still has a chance but I think the powers that be will still take a woman over a black man. And remember she got old slick Bill working behind the scene. Another election I will be forced to vote for the lesser of two evils. And if Obama is not in. I think I will be voting republican because I don’t think Hillary is qualified for the job. She is just running on the Clinton name…………..

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

A Question

A friend of mine asked why I put such an arrogant statement on the title of my blog. I write because I can. I think I can. It’s always been a passion in my life. And as I got older I decided to follow at least one of the things that bring me joy. I’m sure some of us when we were younger always wanted to do something that we were passionate about. Then of course life got in the way. Why can’t we go back and ignite our passion. Since I started this up again I have an inner sense of fulfillment. When I see people reply or when some of my friends shout me out and tell me what a good job I’m doing it brings on a personal satisfaction. Are we to busy and wrapped up in our lives to do something that gives us that satisfaction? I wasn’t and to see all the hits I’m getting I’m satisfied and I will continue to write. What dreams did you stop chasing? I challenge you to step out in faith and try just try to relive them. There is more to life than life.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

The Truth Is

The truth shall set you free. Isn’t that something we always hear when we were growing up? Then why don’t we always practice it. We tell small white lies or we over the top and really make some stuff up. Is not telling a person what’s going on just as bad as lying? I think it is. Why do we try to cover things up with lies? What you do in the dark always come to the light. With that being said why don’t we just tell the truth? I value the opinion of three of my friends. These three people always tell me the truth about myself. From my attitude to mistakes I have made in my life. These three people no matter what, no matter how much it will piss me off will always tell me the truth. Thanks guys. And you know I would do the same for you. The other day somebody called me a liar because I promised to do something for them and I never did it. This prompted me to examine myself. Am I a liar? Yes I am. But going forward I’m going to let people know right off the bat what’s going on with the truth. Even if it hurts someone, I have to do what I have to do. I believe its all part of being authentic with you. Why should we sugarcoat things if it’s really bothering us? Just tell the truth. Get it off your chest and then you will see the true friendship you have with that person. And when someone tells you the truth about yourself you have two options. You can look yourself in the mirror and examine yourself especially if it not the first time you’re hearing it. Or you can blow that person off and lose your chance to grow as a person. I thank everybody for telling me the truth about myself. Without you guys I could not grow into the person that I am. And one last thing. Just tell the truth……………….


I can’t say I hate the woman she definitely does her thing. Talk about going from ashy to classy. She is a definite media force. From her show to her media empire anything she touches turns to gold. She is her own entity. Just goes to show anybody can make it America. What bugs me about her is the way she comes off at times. I was watching one of her shows and they were talking about beating your kids. First off where does she come off telling people how to raise there children when she doesn’t have any of her own. Put her with a bad ass kid for a day and let’s see what she would do. Also she failed to realize that a beating didn’t mess her up. She’s one of the richest people in America. Maybe we all should have gotten beat? Next up how can she give a married couple any advice? She was never married. She and Stedman were supposed to get hitched and that never happened. I guess she didn’t want to split half her money. Anyway she can’t give her two cents about marriage because she has never been through it. But yet at 4 pm in New York a lot of women are crowded around that TV looking at her show. Her school in Africa gets me kind of mad to. She killed American kids saying that they wouldn’t appreciate that school if she built it here. I guarantee I can find 1000 children here that would love to have a chance that those children over in Africa are being afforded. We need to take care of home first. Now she has a store in Chicago where you can buy her favorite things. This is just past ridiculous. Why are women worshiping a person that’s has no touch with reality. She has her own reality. One on one can you really relate with a billionaire. One thing I can’t knock her for is her hustle. She’s like a cocaine kingpin. She just keeps giving the people what they want…………………..