Friday, November 21, 2008

Yes We Can

I can’t believe it my president is a black man. The day after the election a co-worker approached me and said D “I bet you didn’t even vote yesterday”? I was like why would you say that. He said because you don’t talk politics. I was like no matter how much I talk them you wouldn’t understand. He then asked who I voted for. I said Mr.Obama. He asked me why and I said because I can. Yes I can. I’m going to keep it real with you. The main reason I voted for Obama was because he is black. As a black man just knowing for the first time in your life we have an option, a choice to vote for a Blackman. Plus he was the better option. After all politics is about taking the lesser of two evils. He definitely the clear choice and America backed it up. I think most people are tired of the same old bullsh*t we always hear. Plus losing a lot of money helps to. Let’s just hope our man can make the right changes to get this ship called America back on course. He is facing obstacles that no other president has ever faced. From the economy to the war. My man has a lot of work to do. But I feel that he is going to surround himself with the right people to make that happen. For our people it shows that with persistence and hard work we can do anything. To me the playing fields are almost level. We are almost at the point of the best man or woman will come out ahead. Now its time for us to look in the mirror and clean up our act. To be all that we can be. The blueprint is right in front of our faces. This is a true come up for us.

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